It has been along time since my mom has been blogging so I Ashley decided to take over the blogging. I am getting really excited to do this so here it goes. So now we are in 2013. It has been a crazy year with alot of fun and busy things going on. It seems that the year has gone fast and has been a fun year. My siblings and I are out of school. As all of you know, I graduated from high school. It was very sad for me because I will not be able to go to school and I love school! But it was nice to graduate from high school. Right before graduation I got my braces off. It was the day when I had graduation practice. I was so happy that I got my braces off and now I am enjoying it. Now on to Travis - Travis is going to be a 12 grader. Crazy right? He is looking for a job and hope that he finds one. He is now 17 years old and he is a good brother to me, also to Courtney. Courtney is going to high school for the first time. She went to girls camp as a 3rd year and said she had a good time up at camp. Finally on to Jared. Jared is going to be a fifth grader next school year. I think he will have fun being a fifth grader. He loves to play pretend school being a PE teacher and enjoying every minute of it. Now that was the update on me and my siblings. now it is time for my parents. My mom had a brithday this month. It was a good birthday. We ended up celebrating on Monday because Courtney was going to Girls Camp the next day which was on my mom's brithday. My mom is doing good and she is a good mom to be with. My dad is doing good. He has been working hard at his job and he has been a busy man but has time for his family. Hope to see you guys soon- Ashley Richards

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