Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Travis Eagle Court of Honor

March 5th was a BIG day in our family. We started the morning with Jared's baptism and finished the day with Travis' Eagle Court of Honor. What a GREAT day! Travis had his Board of Review on November 18th, but finally got his letter of Recognition at the end of December. Travis wanted to have some family come to his Court of Honor so he planned it while family was here for Jared's baptism.
We are proud of our Eagle Scout! Congratulations Travis!

Having his picture on the cake was a big hit

Travis taking the Eagle Scout oath

Travis played a couple songs on his trumpet

The Richards Scouts
Grandpa, Travis, Randy and Shawn


Ingrid said...

Congratulations Travis! It seems like just yesterday that Travis was coming to our house for cub scouts. It looks like it was a great celebration. Wish we could have been there.

Jori said...

Congratulations Travis! Becoming an Eagle is a ton of hard work. Love the cake!