Monday, April 20, 2009

For my book club friends

Last month for book club we read Cornelia Funke's book, Inkheart. It was an enjoyable book for me because the first part of the book I felt like I was reading about my dad. To me, my dad and Elinor are one and the same. On page 64 Meggie asks Elinor, "Why is it so dark everywhere here?" Elinor's answer, "Because I'd rather spend my money on books than unnecessary electricity". Here are a couple of pictures to prove my theory.

My dad in front of a few of his books in his family room. Notice he is wearing his hat and coat. This is normal for him to wear in his house since he won't turn up the heat. His house is usually in the 40's during the winter months. He does use a space heater in his den to keep warm while he's reading, but when he goes to the rest of the house he puts on a coat.

These two pictures are of the guest bedroom where we slept while we were there last week. I didn't get around to taking pictures of his den, closets, kitchen cupboards and pantry where he also has books stashed.

These next two pictures are of his last power bill. When was the last time your power bill was only $9.30?

In this picture you can see from the graph, he rarely uses any power. I think the two months it was higher than normal was when he was out of the country and my sister went over there.


Laundry said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA that's so true!!! hehehehehe if I go over there I make sure I take a jacket... (durring the summer time anyway.. haha)

Stephanie said...

Love the analogy from the book! I know many people don't believe us when we say that Grandpa has wall-to-wall books. I can honestly say we've never had a power bill for $9.30. It really is a meat-locker over there in the winter!!!

Jori said...

I remember you telling me that about your dad. I wish I was tough enough not to use the heat/ac.

I am going to have to read Inkheart. I've heard it's good.

JanEtta said...

So, my inlaws house - with no one living there - had a gas bill of 21.00 and the temperature was kept at 53 - so the pipes wouldn't freeze. I tell people at work about dad all the time and they think I'm exagerating. Thanks for validating my stories and the pictures were a great back up!

Grandpa said...

Just being practical- don't polute the air clothing is better than burning gas. Cheaper and will help pay for the books. I did turn up the heat for overnight guests.

Laura Z said...

Love the pictures! And I bow to the awesomeness of Dad's book collection....would that mine were so! (Just don't tell Chris!)

Karen said...

Hi Sylvia!
This is insane! I guess my Mom isn't the crazy one after all!! Good for uncle Gerald, I don't know how he does it. He would be totally floored by how much we pay for utilities up here in Edmonton. It's nearing the end of April and we still have out heat going strong over night!! I have added you to my blog list, it's been very fun to "check in" on your sisters, glad I can do the same with you!!

Sylvia said...

Just for the record - my dad did run the heater for our family while we were visiting. It was very comfortable there. Thanks dad, we had a great time there.

Kim H said...

Great book collection. Has he read all of the books? Fun stuff.