Monday, November 10, 2008

Tag of Twos

TAG of Twos..
Kari tagged me so I will try and answer these. Here goes.

Two Names You Go By: 1. Mom 2. Sylvia
Two Things You are Wearing Right Now: 1. Jeans 2. Red Shirt
Two Things You Want Right Now: 1. A maid to clean my house and finish the laundry 2. Dinner delivered to my door.
Two Things You Did Last Night: 1. Visited with friends 2. Looked through the Sunday paper's store adds.
Two Things You Ate Today: 1. Popcorn at the movie 2. water
Two Favorite Drinks: 1. Fresh squeezed lemonade 2. water
Five People I'm Tagging: 1. JanEtta, 2. Stephanie, 3. Nadine, 4. Londi, 5. Dad/Grandpa

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