Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Trying to catch up - January Summary

Ok, I know I have been a LAZY blogger this past year. Ashley reminds me of that weekly, if not daily. I told myself I would do better come January. I even got a small camera for Christmas to help me take more pictures so I would have something to blog. The camera isn't very good but I now realize that isn't the true problem. I am just lazy about getting on and posting something. So, sorry for the LONG post. I am going to do a quick catch up here and hopefully do better in February.

Travis won a free deli tray in a raffle when he participated in the Northern Exposure 10K run
Here he is with the yummy prize. He was kind enough to share it with us. Thanks Travis!

Here is Jared with his good friend, who for the last couple of years says he is going to marry. When we took this picture we thought it would be funny if they actually did get married, how cute would it be to have this picture there.

Travis started church basketball again. He has been looking forward to it for quite awhile. I hope they have a great season.

We participated in a "Disney Give a Day - Get a Day" service project. We went and help clean up at an elementary school. The kids did a great job and are excited to get to go to Disneyland.

Jared was the Good Citizen for the month of January. He was so excited, especially for the pizz lunch the next day. Good job, Jared. Keep up the GREAT work!

Finally to end up our month, we celebrated Courtney's 11th birthday. I am having a hard time thinking of her as 11. Maybe it's because then I realize how old I must be getting. Anyway, she had a great day! We love you so much Courtney!


Wilcox Crew said...

It's fun to see new pictures! Thanks for the update. I'm sure I'll see you again sometime at the temple..since that is the only place we seem to run into eachother:)

Carrie said...

Wow! January was a busy month for your family. Travis' sandwiches are sounding pretty tasty about now. I love Jared's little smirky smile in that picture with Emily. So darn cute.

Blissful & Domestic said...

Hey Sylvia Ashley was telling me she hasn't been able to see my updated blog so I told her I would comment on your blog and tell her the new address. It is www.blissfulanddomestic.blogspot.com