Friday, August 7, 2009

Moving on Up Ceremony

Today was finally our last day of school for Courtney and Jared. Along with that, Jared had his "Moving on Up" ceremony. He is now officially in 1st grade. He has mixed emotions about being done with kindergarten. He has loved his teacher and the friends he has made. But he is excited to eat lunch at school and get to stay all day.

Here he is getting an Attendance Award and Governor's Award - he had perfect attendance this year. He has loved school!!
Here is his official certificate for completing kindergarten

Jared and his wonderful teacher - Ms. Ventic


JanEtta said...

And to think I'm counting the days til school starts on the 19th! I can't belive Jared will be in 1st grade - where has the time gone?

Blissful & Domestic said...

is that crazy now that he will be in school all day? no little ones at home during the day.

Laundry said...

whoot whoot! go Jared! I never got a perfect attendance record.. wait! I lied.. Once, In seminary but only for one quarter.. the other one I almost got but missed one day because my mom refused to let me go to seminary so that she could drive out to Cali to help grandpa move a day earlier than she had told me.. made me kinda mad actually .haha. I wanted that perfect attendance.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jared. I'm proud of you

Blissful & Domestic said...

Ashley was asking me at church what her slideshow will count towards. I just wanted to let you know it will count towards a divine nature value project.