Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jared's favorites

Our neighbor is a motorcycle cop and Jared's favorite friend. The other day when I went to go pick up Courtney, Jared had this "uniform" on so he too could be a motorcycle cop. As I drove away with him following me I just had to laugh. He is so proud of himself. I sometimes wonder what the neighbors must think.

On Friday, our neighbor took Jared's training wheels off, and helped him for a little while and soon Jared was off and going. He is soo happy to be able to ride a two wheeler. Whenever there is free time Jared is asking if he can go out and ride his bike. What a great accomplishment! Great job, Jared!!


Ingrid said...

Jared is the cutest! He really cracks me up. Maybe he can give Matthew a few pointers on the no training wheel thing. Way to go!

Laura Z said...

Awesome! No training wheels is great accomplishment.

Laundry said...

haha sweet! way to go jare bear!