Friday, December 14, 2007

White Elephant gifts

Who ever thought up the "white elephant" gift exchange? I am not sure what I think about them. I think they are pretty funny seeing what other people bring, but I am also pretty nervous about what I will come home with. Last night was our ward's annual Christmas "white elephant" gift exchange. It was a lot of fun. A lot of the fun is the memories from past years. The funniest gift I remember was a couple of years ago someone brought a framed picture of their mother-in-law. This year the some person brought a picture of her mother-in-laws dog with Santa. These were the gifts that her mother-in-law sent them for christmas. In our ward there has been a couple of sconces that have now returned for the past 7 years. A couple of years ago we decided we should keep a history of who gets them so when you get them you sign and date the back and bring them back the next year. It's pretty fun.

The funniest one this year was someone brought a breakfast tray with a plate glued on it with a pop tart and a banana glued to the plate. It also had a bowl with cereal glued on the bottom of it. Then it had the silverware and a glass. It was pretty funny. We all had a great time. Thanks to all those who helped with the dinner and helping us have a great night out.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

G & I went to a dinner party/white elephant gift exchange with his group of co-workers. It's always so much fun to see what people bring. One "gift" has circulated for 3 years now. It's a riot! I came home with golf balls, and G got an Italian Monopoly game (he was thrilled about that one -- Go figure!)