Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Tooth Fairy finally came

Jared has FINALLY lost his first tooth. His tooth has been loose for over two months but he was afraid for it to come out. He wanted the tooth fairy to come but he didn't want his tooth to bleed and what if a new tooth didn't grow in? But now that it has come out he is so excited and has to tell everyone. Congratulations Jared. What an exciting time.
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Carrie said...

Yay Jared! I love those toothless smiles. Hopefully losing teeth gets easier for him.

Laundry said...

YAY!!!! :)

Laundry said...

It's about time somebody started blogging again :) Thank you Ash for reminding your mom,
Courtney, Happy Late Birthday :)
Jared, if you actually marry that girl, I will laugh, and then say apparently it's possible to know who the one is at a very young age... haha. :)
Travis, congrats on your award :)
and Uff Uff, I think you should blog more :)